Terms and conditions
I.E.M.Q.-synergetics mbH
With these pages the engineering office I.E.M.Q.-synergetics – engineering company for electrical, measuring, control technology and quality optimization mbH presented itself
Responsible for the website is: Dipl.Ing.(FH) Ralf Stache, Friedensau 11, 67117 Limburgerhof, iemq@iemq.de
Geschäftsführer: VDI and Dipl.Ing.(FH) Ralf Stache
Registergericht Ludwigshafen HRB 3910
USt.-ID-Nr.: DE173312846
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In the event of domain disputes, competition law or other problems, we ask you to contact us in advance to avoid unnecessary legal disputes and costs. The cost note of a legal warning without prior contact with the engineering office I.E.M.Q. is rejected as unfounded in the sense of the duty to mitigate damage.